As a result of our teams previous experience in the Out of Home Care sector and disabilty and Child Protection, and through our work in disability and mental health supports our team has created a unique combination of knowledge that holds us in good stead to provide supports for children, young people and their families.
Thrive Community Services are proud to offer specialised substitute residential care (SSRC), mentoring, Children's Community Participation and supervised contact and transport for the children and young people in our communities. We acknowledge the unique support requirements and complexities involved with supporting our core client cohort and contract the services of a consulting team of psychologists whose experience and focus is well established within the area of child and youth support to ensure our services are the most effective for our young people.
Thrive has a strong focus on therapeutic responses to crisis intervention, and evidence based systems of support. We pride ourselves on our ability to adjust our supports to meet the fluctuating needs of those we assist and to tailor our support environments accordingly. We look forward to continuing our journey and creating inclusive environments where people are inspired to thrive.